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New York Landmarks
New York
103rd Street IRT Broadway a?? Seventh Avenue Line
103rd Street IRT Lexington Avenue Line
116th Street Columbia University
116th Street IND Eighth Avenue Line
116th Street IRT Lenox Avenue Line
125th Street IND Eighth Avenue Line
125th Street IRT Lexington Avenue Line
137th Street a?? City College /IRT Broadway a?? Seventh Avenue L
145th Street / IRT Broadway Seventh Avenue Line
14th Street Union Square
14th Street - Eighth Avenue
155th Street - IND Concourse Line
163rd Street Amsterdam Avenue
168th Street
168th Street Station
175th Street
181st Street
190th Street Station
191st Street Station
207th Street Station
215th Street Station
23rd Street IND Sixth Avenue Line
28th Street BMT Broadway Line
28th Street IRT Broadway -?? Seventh Avenue Line
303 Gallery
34th Street Herald Square
34th Street Penn Station
34th Street - Penn Station IRT Broadway -? Seventh Avenue Line
42nd Street Port Authority Bus Terminal
42nd Street -?? Bryant Park
50th Street Seventh Avenue Line
50th Street Station
51st Street IRT Lexington Avenue Line
55 Mercer Street Gallery
57th Street - Midtown
59th Street Columbus Circle
66th Street Lincoln Center
68th Street Hunter College
72nd Street and Broadway at? Seventh Avenue Line
72nd Street IND Eighth Avenue Line
77th Street Lenox Hill Hospital
79th Street - IRT Broadway a?? Seventh Avenue Line
81st Street a?? Museum of Natural History IND Eighth Avenue Line
A A Low Building South Street Seaport Museum
A Philip Randolph Square
ABC Playground
Abe Lebewohl Park
Abe Lincoln Playground
Abigail Adams Smith Museum
Abingdon Square
Abyssinian Tot Lot
African Burial Ground
Ahearn Park
Albano Playground
Alexander Hamilton Playground
Alexander Hamilton Square
Alfred E Smith Park
Alfred E Smith Playground
Alice Kornegay Triangle
Alice Tully Hall
All Saints University Of America
American Craft Museum
American Folk Art Museum
American Girl Place
American Jewish Historical Society
American Museum Of Natural History
American Stock Exchange
Anibal Aviles Playground
Anne Loftus Playground
Annunciation Park
Apollo Theater
Arader W Graham Gallery
Art Dia Foundation
Art Felt
Art Students League of New York
Artists Space
Astor Place
Astor Place Subway Station
Auburn Theological Seminary
Audubon Playground
Audubon Terrace Historic District
August Wilson Theater
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Playground
Avery Fiscer Hall
Baker Field
Bank Street College Of Education
Barnard College
Barneys New York
Baruch Bernard College
Baruch Playground
Battery Park
Beekman Street Hospital
Bellevue Hospital
Bellevue Hospital Center
Bellevue South Park
Bennett Park
Berkeley College New York City Campus
Bernard Revel Graduate School
Bernstein Pavilion Beth Israel Hospital
Best Buy Theatre
Beth Israel Medical Center - Petrie Division
Beth Israel Medical Center - Phillips Ambulatory Care Center
Beth Israel Medical Center - Singer Division
Bethel Gospel Assembly
Big Apple Art Gallery & Framing
Bill Bojangles Robinson Playground
Blake Hobbs Park
Bleecker Playground
Bleecker Street
Bloomingdale Playground
Boesky Marianne Gallery
Booker T Washington Playground
Boricua College
Bowery Ballroom
Bowling Green
Bradhurst Urban Renewal Park
British Virgin Islands Tourist Board
Broad Street
Broadway Lafayette Street
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge City Hall
Bryant Park
Buddha Bar NYC
Cabrini Medical Center
Camp Ramah
Canal Park
Canal Street
Canal Street (IND Eighth Avenue Line)
Canal Street (IRT Broadway Seventh Avenue Line)
Carl Schurz Park
Carmansville Playground
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hall Tours
Carnegie Hill Historic District
Carrere Memorial
Casa Italiana New York Univ
Castle Clinton
Castle Clinton National Monument
Cathedral Church Of St John The Divine
Cathedral Parkway 110th Street IRT Broadway Seventh Avenue Lin
Cathedral Parkway a?? 110th Street IND Eighth Avenue Line
Center For Trdtional Mus Dance
Central Park
Central Park Carousel
Central Park North 110th Street
Central Park Tennis Center
Central Park Wildlife Conservation Center
Central Park Zoo
Central Park Zoo and Tisch Children's Zo
Century 21 Building
Century21 Department Store
Chambers Street - World Trade Center -IND Eighth Avenue Line
Channel Gardens
Charging Bull
Charlton Plaza
Charlton-King-Vandam Historic District
Chatham Square
Cheim & Read
Chelsea Historic District
Chelsea Park
Chelsea Piers
Chelsea/Grammercy/Flatiron District
Cherry Tree Park
Children's Museum of Manhattan
Children's Museum of Manhattanv
Children's Museum Of The Arts
Childrens Center South Street Seaport Museum
Chinatown New York
Chisholm Larsson Gallery
Christie's auction house
Christies Education
Christopher Park
Chrysler Building
Circle Line
City College Student Services Corp
City Hall Park
Clement Clarke Moore Park
Clinton Cherry Playground
Clinton Community Garden
Coleman Square Playground
Coler Memorial Hospital and Home
Collect Pond Park
Collyer Brothers Park
Colonel Charles Young Playground
Colonel Charles Young Triangle
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Columbia University
Columbus Circle
Commons Historic District
Comprehensive Development
Continuing Education
Convent Garden
Cooper - Hewitt Museum
Cooper Hwitt Natl Dsign Museum
Cooper Triangle
Cooper Union For The Advancement Of Science And Art, The
Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
Corlears Hook Park
Cornell Medical Center
Correction Hospital
Courtney Callender Playground
Crack Is Wack Playground
Crane Lake Camp
Cruise Line Terminal
CUNY John Jay College Criminal Justice
Dahesh Museum Of Art
Damrosch Park
Dante Park
David B Kriser Psychiatric Day Treatment Program
De Colores Community Yard
De La Salle Academy
Dekovats Park
Delafield Hospital
Design History Foundation
DeWitt Clinton Park
Diamante Garden
Diamond District
Disney Store
Doctor Gertrude B Kelly Playground
Donnellan Square
Dorrence Brook Square
Downing Street Playground
Dragon s Head
Drumgoole Plaza
Dry Dock Playground
Duane Park
Duffy Square
Dyckman Oval historical
Dyckman Street Subway Station
East Coast Memorial
East River Park
East Side Institute For Short Term Psycho Therapy
Ed Sullivan Theater
Edward and Theresa O'Toole Medical Services Building
Edward Carter Gallery
Edward S Harkness Eye Institute
Eighth Street NYU
Eightyninth Street Playground
El Museo del Barrio
Elizabeth Langley Memorial Garden
Ellis Island
Empire State Building
Eugene Lang College
Eugene McCabe Field
Ewing Memorial Hospital
Exchange Place
Family Community Garden
Fashion Institute Of Technology
Father Demo Square
Father Fagan Square
Federal Hall National Memorial
Federal Reserve Bank of NY
Fifth Avenue Bryant Park
Fifth Avenue BMT Broadway Line
Fifth Avenue/53rd Street
Finn Square
Firemen's Memorial
Firemen's Memorial Garden
First Park
First World
Fishbridge Gardens
FlatIron Building
Foley Square
Forbes Magazine Gallery
Force, Debra Fine Art
Fort Tryon Park
Fort Washington Park
Forum Gallery
Fourteen Honey Locusts Park
Fraunces Tavern
Fraunces Tavern Block Historic District
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Fred Samuel Playground
Frederick Douglass Playground
Fredrick Johnson Park
French Culinary Institute
Frick Collection
Fulton Street Subway Station
Fulton Street/Broadway Nassau Street
Garment District
Garth Clark Gallery
General Theological Seminary Of The Protestant Episcopal Church
General Worth Square
Genesis II Museum Of International Black Culture
George Heye Gustav Center
George Link Junior Pavilion
George Washington Bridge
George Washington Bridge Bus Station
Gershwin Theatre
Globe Institute Of Technology
Goldwater Memorial Hospital
Good Samaritan Dispensary
Gorman Memorial Park
Gouverneur Hospital
Governor Nelson A Rockefeller Park
Governors Island National Monument
Gracie Mansion
Graduate School Med Sciences
Gramercy Park
Gramercy Park Historic District
Grand Army Plaza
Grand Canal Court
Grand Central Station
Grand Central Terminal
Greeley Square
Green Oasis and Gilbert's Garden
Greenacre Park
Greenwich Village
Ground Zero
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum New York
Guggenheim Pavilion
Gutenberg Playground
Hamilton Fish Park
Hamilton Grange National Monument
Hamilton Heights Historic District
Hammerstein Ballroom
Hancock Park
Hanover Square
Happy Warrior Playground
Harlem Art Park
Harlem Heritage Tours
Harlem Hospital
Harlem Lane Playground
Harlem River Park
Harris Garden
Hayden Planetarium
Helen B Atkinson Health Center
Hells Kitchen Park
Henderson Place Historic District
Henry M Jackson Park
Henry Street Settlement-Louis
Herald Square
Here Is New York
High Bridge Park
High Line
Highline Ballroom
Historic House Trust Of New York City
Historical Design
Holcombe Rucker Playground
Hospital for Special Surgery
Howard Bennett Playground
Hudson River Park
Hunter College Msa Building
Il Buco
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at NYU
Int'l Center of Photography
Interboro Institute
International Sejong Soloists
Intrepid Sea Air Museum
Inwood Hill Park
Inwood Plaza
Irish Hunger Memorial
Irving Cancer Research Center
Irving Plaza
Isabella Neimath Home and Geriatric Center
Isham Park
J Hood Wright Park
J J Downing Memorial Stadium
J. M. U. Direct
Jackie Robinson Park
Jackie Robinson Play Center
Jackson Center of Ophthalmology
Jacob Javits Playground
Jacob K Javits Athletic Field
Jacob K. Javits Center
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Jacob Schiff Playground
Jacques Torres Chocolate Haven
James Cohan Gallery
James Madison Plaza
James Weldon Johnson Playground
Javits Center
Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jefferson Market Greening
Jefferson Park
Joan of Arc Park
Joan of Arc Statue
John J DeLury Senior Plaza
John Jay Park
Joseph C Sauer Park
Joseph Daniel Wilson Garden
Josie Robertson Plaza
Joyce Theater
Juan Pablo Duarte Square
Judith Klein Gallery
Judy Goffman Cutler Fine Art
Juilliard School
Jumel Terrace Historic District
Kallers America Shoppe & Gallery
Kenkeleba Gallery
Kimlau Square
Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center
Klingenstein Clinical Center
La Plaza Culture
Ladies Mile Historic District
Lafayette Square
Lawrence A Wein Stadium
Lehmannmaupin LLC
Lenox Hill Hospital
Lexington Avenue/59th Street
Liberty Plaza
Lieutenant William Tighe Triangle
Lighthouse Park
Lincoln Center
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Lincoln Tunnel
Little Flower Playground
Little Italy
Little Red Square
Liz Christy Garden
Louise Nevelson Plaza
Loveed Associates
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Luther Gulick Playground
Lying-In Hospital
MacDougal-Sullivan Gardens Historic District
Madame Tussaud's New York
Madame Tussaud's NY in Times Square
Madame Tussauds New York
Madison Square Garden
Madison Square Park
Mae Grant Playground
Magdalene and Charles Klingenstein Pavilion
Major League Baseball
Manhattan Hospital for Special Surgery
Manhattan Metropolitan Hospital
Manhattan Mount Sinai Medical Center
Manhattan Polyclinic Hospital
Manhattan Psychiatric Center
Manhattan Saint Elizabeths Hospital
Manhattan Saint Lukes Hospital
Manhattan Sydenham Hospital
Manhattan VA Medical Center
Marcus Garvey Memorial Park
Martin Luther King Playground
Mary O'Connor Playground
Mary Woodard Lasker Biomedical Research Building
Marymount Manhattan College
May Matthews Playground
McCaffrey Playground
McCarthy Square
McCray Playground
McKenna Triangle
McKinley Playground
McNair Park
McNally Plaza
Meatpacking District
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Merchants House Museum
Metro Museum of Art
Metro North Community Gardens
Metropolitan College Of New York
Metropolitan Museum Historic District
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Pavilion
Michelle Rosenfeld Gallery
Mill Rock Park
Milstein Hospital
Milstein Plaza
Minetta Green
Minetta Playground
Minetta Triangle
Monsignor Kett Playground
Montefiore Park
Monterey Public Garden
Moore Playground
Morgan Library
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York
Morningside Park
Morningside Playground
Morris-Jumel Ecological Education Garden
Morris-Jumel Mansion
Mosex Exhibit 1 LLC
Mostly Mozart Festival
Mother Cabrini Memorial Hospital
Mount Morris Park Historic District
Mount Sinai Dispensary
Mount Sinai-New York University Medical Center
Mount Vernan Hotel And Gardens
Mulry Square
Murphy Park
Murray Hill
Museum of African Art
Museum Of American Financial History
Museum of American Folk Art
Museum Of American Folk Art
Museum of Biblical Art
Museum Of Chinese In The Americas
Museum of Jewish Heritage
Museum of Modern Art
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Museum of the City of New York
Museum Of The City Of New York
Museum of the Jewish Heritage
Museum of TV and Radio
Museum Tower
Nathan Straus Playground
National Museum of Catholic Art and History
National Museum of the American Indian
National September 11 Memorial
National September 11 Memorial & Museum
NENA Comprehensive Heath Service Center
Neue Galerie New York
Neurological Institute of New York
New 123rd Street Block Association Garden
New Museum of Contemporary Art
New School University
New York By Gehry
New York Cancer Hospital
New York City Fire Department Museum
New York City Fire Museum
New York City Police Museum
New York Citys Official Visitor Informat
New York College Of Podiatric Medicine
New York Foundling Hospital
New York Historical Society
New York Hospital for Special Surgery
New York Landmarks Conservancy
New York Law School
New York Paralegal School
New York Park West Hospital
New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York Public Library
New York School Of Interior Design
New York State Psychiatric Institute
New York Stock Exchange
New York Theological Seminary
New York University
New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial
New York Water Taxi
Nexus Showroom
Nicholas Roerich Museum
Ninth Street Community Garden Park
NoHo Historic District
North Cove Yacht Harbor
North General Hospital
North General Hospital Paul Robeson Center
Northern Dispensary
NY City Amtrak
NY Cruise Port
NYC Police Museum
NYC Visitors and Conventions Bureau
NYU Hospital
NYU Medical Center
NYU- New York University
Oasis Garden
One Chase Manhattan Plaza
One World Trade Center
Onehundredseventeenth Street Community Garden
Onehundredthirtysecond Street Block Association Park
Open Road Park
Opera Gallery
Orchard Alley Garden
Orient Express Hotels
Orville And Wilbur Playground
Pace Editions
Pace University
Pace University Urban Education
Pace University, New York City Campus
Parks Council Success Garden
Parsons New School of Design
Passannante Square
Pastel Society Of America
Peachtree Garden
Penn Plaza Pavilion
Penn South Playground
Penn Station
Penn Station South
Peretz Square
Peter Detmold Park
Peter Minuit Park
Peter's Field
Petrosino Square
Pierpont Morgan Library
Playground of the Americas
Pleasant Village Community Garden
Polo Grounds historical
Poor Richards Playground
Printing House Square
Prospect Cemetery
Public Art Fund
Public School 155 Playground
Pulitzer Fountain
Pumphouse Park
Queensborough Oval
Quisqueya Playground
Radio City Music Hall
Ralph J Bunche Park
Ramone Aponte Park
Randall's Island
Rector Park
Renaissance Playground
Restaurant Row
Richard Morris Hunt Memorial
Riverbank State Park
Riverside Museum historical
Riverside Park
Riverside-West End Historic District
Robert F Wagner Junior Park
Robert Moses Playground
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
Roger Morris Park
Roosevelt Triangle
Rose Center for Earth and Space
Roseland Ballroom
Rubin Museum Of Art
Ruppert Park
Russ Berrie Medical Science Pavilion
Sabarsky Museum of German Expressionist Art
Sailors and Soldiers Monument
Saint Catherine's Park
Saint Gregory's Park
Saint Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
Saint Mark's Historic District
Saint Nicholas Historic District
Saint Nicholas Park
Saint Nicholas Playground South
Saint Vartan Park
Saint Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center of New York
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sakura Park
Samuel N Bennerson Playground
Samuel Paley Plaza
Samuel Seabury Playground
Samuel Triangle
Sarah Roosevelt Park
School Of Visual Arts
Scott Square
Seravalli Playground
Seventh Avenue
Seventieth Street Playground
Seventyninth Street Boat Basin
Seward Park
Sheltering Arms Park
Sheridan Square
Sheridan Square Triangle Association Viewing Garden
Sherman Creek Park
Sidney Hillman Health Center
Sidney Hillman Playground
Sixth Avenue (BMT Canarsie Line)
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine
Skyline Associates LLC
Skyscaper Museum
Sloan - Kettering Cancer Center
Sloan Kettering
Sloane Hospital for Women
Sniffen Court Historic District
SoHo Cast Iron Historic District
SoHo New York City
Soho Square
Sol Bloom Playground
Sol Lain Playground
Solomon R Guggenheim Museum
Sony Wonder Technology Lab
Sony Wonders Technology Lab/Plaza
South Cove Park
South Street Seaport
St Patrick's Cathedral
St Patricks Cathedral
Stanley Isaacs Courts
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty National Monument
Stone Street Historic District
Store Next Door
Straus Park
Straus Square
Studio Associates Of New York
Studio Museum In Harlem
Stuyvesant Polyclinic Hospital
Stuyvesant Square
Stuyvesant Square Historic District
Sunshine Playground
Sutton Place Park
Synchronicity Fine Art
Syracuse Lubin House
Tanahey Playground
Tavern on the Green
Teardrop Park
Tecumseh Playground
Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center
The American University In Cairo
The Cathedral Church of St. John the Div
The Children's Museum of the Arts
The City College of New York (CUNY)
The City College of New York/CUNY
The Cloisters
The Creative Little Garden
The Drawing Center
The Ellis Island/Liberty Island Ferry
The Esplanade
The Highline Park
The Hubert Gallery Ltd
The Jewish Museum
The Jockey Club
The Julliard School
The Kings College
The Majestic Theatre
The Meatpacking District
The Museum of Modern Art
The Museum Of Television & Radio
The New Museum Of Contemporary Art
The New York Mosque
The Nicholas Roerich Museum
The Roosevelt Island Tramway
The Secret Garden
The Ukrainian Museum
The Village Green
The Wall Street Experience Wall Street Tours
Theater for the New City Foundation
Theatre District
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site
Theodore Roosevelt House
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial
Third Avenue BMT Canarsie Line
Thomas Paine Park
Times Square
Times Square Visitors Center & Ed Sulliv
Titanic Memorial Park
Tompkins Square Park
Top of the Rock
Top of the Rock Observation Deck
Toto Music Studio
Touro College
Touro College
Toyota Children's Learning Garden
Tramway Plaza
Tribeca Park
Triboro Plaza
Trinity Church
Trump Tower
Trygve Lie Plaza
Tudor City Historic District
Tudor Grove Playground
Turtle Bay Gardens Historic District
Twentyfour Sycamores Park
Union Square New York City
Union Square Park
United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
United Nations HQ
United Nations University
Unity Gardens
Upper East Side Historic District
USS Intrepid Sea and Air Museum
Vanderbilt Clinic Building
Verdi Square
Vesey Green
Vesuvio Playground
Village Square
Vladeck Park
Vonlintel Gallery
Wagner Pool
Wald Playground
Wall Street
Wall Street Subway Station
Wallenberg Playground
Wards Island Park
Washington Market Park
Washington Square
Washington Square Park
West 104th Street Garden
West 111th Street People's Garden
West 186th Street Basketball Court
West 55th Cruise Line Terminal
West 59th Street Recreation Center
West 71st Street Historic District
West End-Collegiate Historic District
West Fourth Street Courts
West Village
Whiney Museum of American art
White Playground
Whitney Museum of American Art
Wiggin Pavilion New York University Downtown Hospital
William Alanson White Inst
William Black Medical Research Building
William J Syms Operating Theater Roosevelt Hospital
William P Jenkins
Wollman Rink
Woolworth Building
World Financial Center Plaza
World of Disney Store
Worth Monument
Yeshiva University Museum
Yu Suen Garden
Zwirner & Wirth LLC